Source code for pylinux.pylinux

import subprocess
import os
import platform
import socket

import readproc

## static information
[docs]def hostname(): ''' Return the Hostname ''' return os.uname()[1]
[docs]def ipaddr(): '''IP address used to connect to the world''' # Recipe: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.connect(("",80)) except IOError: return 'Could not retrieve address' else: ipaddr = s.getsockname()[0] s.close() return ipaddr
[docs]def distro_name(): '''Linux distribution Name''' return platform.linux_distribution()[0]
[docs]def distro_release(): ''' Release ''' return platform.linux_distribution()[1]
[docs]def distro_nickname(): ''' Distro Nickname ''' return platform.linux_distribution()[2]
[docs]def kernel(): ''' Kernel version ''' return os.uname()[2]
[docs]def cpuinfo(): ''' Return the data in /proc/cpuinfo as a dictionary of dictionaries ''' return readproc.cpuinfo()
[docs]def arch(): ''' Architecture of the OS''' return os.uname()[4]
[docs]def nprocs(): ''' Number of processing units ''' return readproc.nprocs()
[docs]def totalmem(): ''' Total memory in the system ''' return readproc.meminfo()['MemTotal']
## dynamic information
[docs]def last_boot(): ''' Time of last boot ''' return str(subprocess.check_output(['who','-b']).\ strip().split()[2:])
[docs]def uptime(): ''' System uptime ''' return readproc.uptime()
[docs]def users(): ''' Currently logged in users ''' return str(subprocess.check_output(['who','-q']).splitlines()[0])
[docs]def freemem(): ''' Free memory ''' return readproc.meminfo()['MemFree']
[docs]def processes(): ''' Currently running processes ''' return [readproc.process_name(proc) for proc in readproc.process_list()]
[docs]def lsof(): ''' Number of Open files ''' files=subprocess.check_output(['lsof']) return len(files.split('\n'))
[docs]def avg_load(): ''' Average load ''' return str(os.getloadavg())
[docs]def netdevs(): ''' Retrieve the Network device information using module ''' return readproc.netdevs()
[docs]def mounts(nodev=True): ''' Return current filesystem usage stats . uses df utility command nodev=True for getting physical FSs False for all ''' # Get the loaded FSs loaded_fs=[] with open('/proc/filesystems') as f: for line in f: line=line.split('\n')[0] if nodev: if line.split('\t')[0]=='': loaded_fs.append(line.split('\t')[1]) else: loaded_fs.append(line.split('\t')[1]) # build up file system list for df df_fs=[] for fs in loaded_fs: df_fs.extend(['-t',fs]) # Get the mounted file systems df_cmd = ['df','-k','-T'] df_cmd.extend(df_fs) df = subprocess.check_output(df_cmd) # TODO: just return a list of mounted partitions for now # in the following format: # Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on # /dev/sda2 ext4 51614140 14499996 36589880 29% / # .. # Perhaps group them into a dictionary and return.. return df